Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Welcome to London, UK

Sun-Mon June 5-6

I know none of you would ever believe it, but I worked diligently to pack one carryon bag plus a back pack.   Actually I should toss out the word ‘I’.  My mom and sister were the actual brains in packing me into one carryon bag. They tossed out shoes, shirts, excess cosmetics, and rolled things tight as a drum.   Not an easy feat especially for a fashionista that wants (not needs) a different outfit for everyday!  The idea was to be able to carry on wherever I went because this trip is one that has me on the move.  I will be in five countries and 12 hotels over the next 26 days.  Modes of transportation include trains, planes, automobiles and ferries.  With that in mind, packing needed to be minimal and efficient.  See the pictures to see how close I got.

The flight to London was smooth as silk.  A few movies and one ambien made the time fly by.   Here’s the test. Now that I have landed and gathered my belongings could I find my way to the hotel?  This is always the unnerving piece in an unfamiliar town/city.  The easy but most expensive transport from the airport was to take a taxi or hire a car service.  But I want to feel, touch and smell the city as a local and embrace the city’s public transportation.  It is less expensive and adds to the overall experience.  I opted to take the Heathrow Express train to Paddington Square.  From Paddington Square I transferred to the appropriate tube (their subway system) to reach my hotel.  With a little guidance from the subway employees, I purchased tickets, hopped on the right trains and exited at the right stations.  My hotel was a short walk from the station and I reflect on how happy I am that I am wheeling a carry on and not a massive piece of luggage or multiple pieces of luggage.

This evening, I booked a ticket to Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theater.  I have always wanted to see the musical, but never caught it in NY or LA.  Then tomorrow I am on a tour to see Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor Castle.  It will be a full day, but hopefully some good photos to share with you. 

Back from Phantom of the Opera and ready for nite nite
Click here for pictures

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