Friday, June 17, 2011

The Royal Palace Stockholm & Evening Out to see Robert Welsh - June 12 2011

Just like the royals in London, the royals in Sweden have more the one residence.  Drottningholm which is just outside of Stockholm has been the monarch's personal residence since 1980. The  Royal Palce of Stockholm is the official residence of His Magestry the King of Sweden and a significant proportion of the King and Queens official entertainment functions take place in the large apartments.

Enjoy the photos of the Royal Guard which has been stationed at the Royal Palace since 1523. The military band marched through the city streets to the outer courtyard of the Palace. The performance included the changing of the guards.  After the changing of the guards, I spent the balance of the afternoon touring the castle. 

The tour is extensive and includes of course the crown jewels.  I recognize my brain is on overload and I can no longer appreciate any more art.  It is time for a break.  I investigate my options and find a spot at one of the plaza cafes where I can take in the scenery at my footsteps.  There is live music in the courtyard, clear blue sky and patrons lingering over latte’s, espresso's and cappacinno's.  Today was a perfect mix of a slow morning and an educational afternoon. 

Peppe and Elisabeth have invited me to meet them this evening at Engelen which I later learn is great spot for music and food.  When I arrive, there is a bat mobile parked in front of the restaurant.  Of course, every local and tourist is snapping pictures.  As for me, I want a picture with the boy band that seems to have a connection to the bat-mobile.  In all my shyness, I ask one of the bad boys what’s the story.  Come to find out a) he designed and made the bat mobile and 2) he is scheduled to be on Jay Leno.  I need to google and dig deeper, but not today. 

I actually thought I was meeting my new friends and their friend for dinner.  However, I learn that Engelen is having their opening concert marking the arrival of mid-summer.  For those music fanatics,  Robert Welsh is headlining (pianist/keyboardist extraordinaire) and it is the hot ticket in town  This is a small venue as you will see from the pics.  The energy was high and everyone was ready to rock & roll.  I rocked out with the rest of them and finally rolled home around 11:30 after being there since 6:30.  I confess, I did not have the energy for one more set after the days excursions.
Nite Nite
Changing of the Royal Guards

Interior of the Royal Chapel

Who are these charactors in front of the Bat Mobile

Click here for pictures

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