Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello Helsinki June 9 - 10

What a remarkable city.  It is clean, vibrant and full of rich history.  A few factoids on Finland; From medieval times to 1809, Finland was part of Sweden.  In 1809, Sweden lost Finland to Russia.  In 1917, Finland won their independence from Russia. Russia attempted to invade Finland with the other Baltic states in the Winter War in 1939-1940 and the Continuation War from 1941 – 1944.  Finland was successful in maintaining their independence while the other Baltic States continued under Russian rule.

As I meandered about the town, it was clear that this city prides itself on design and fine food.  If you are a foodie, you would love the breads, pastries, cheese, fresh fruits, vegetables and homemade sausages.  Are you hungry yet?  For whatever reason, the food simply tastes better on the palate then the US.   On every menu you will see reindeer.  It is common in Lapland which is north Finland.  I had it twice… filet of reindeer and smoked reindeer.  It was fabulous!  Sorry Rudolph. You will find a lot of coffee houses and sidewalk cafes. I was surprised to learn that Fins are one of the world’s third largest consumers of coffee.  And, they make a great cup. 
The Esplanade is their 5th Avenue.  Lots of fine local shopping as well as the name brands of Louis V., etc. Stockmans, the local department store founded in 1862 is their Harrods.  The Esplanade also is home to Café Kappeli.  It is a happening spot.  In the summer across from the café there is a bandstand.  Music and entertainment is on stage during the summer. And, it is free.  It was hard to leave the Esplanade because it was so relaxing to just sit and let the time pass by.  However, I have some “must see” sites.

It will be again to lengthy to communicate in detail the walking tour.  So, if you’re interested, just enjoy the photos and the commentary on the photos.

The Lutheran Cathedral

Local Fin Farmers

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