Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday Dec 29th 2012 - A Trip to the Cattle/Horse Ranch

Oh my goodness.  What an adventure today.  Marika and his two daughter Asenaca and Meme picked me up around 10:00am to begin our tour to the other side of the island. Our first stop was to look at a residential developement called Taveuni Estates.  The location is spectacular with the most breathtaking views of the ocean and sunsets.  I saw two outstanding lots of an acre each for around $103,000US.  Only two beachfront lots exist for $500-600,000 based  on their location.  Very tempting.  You can build a home for about $200,000 subject to what you are looking to build.  Associations dues for maintaining roads, etc.  is $1,000US per year.
Anyone interested in putting a partnership together??  hmmmm

We left the developement and headed to our final destination, the cattle ranch.  The trip was enhanced by Marika taking the scenic coastal route.  It was, of course, a dirt road (you need a truck, jeep and four wheel drive) bumpy and fun.  I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie.  The coastline is rugged but dotted with unspoiled beaches and rich with vegetation.  I did my best to capture the scenery. 

The drive was probably close to 45 minutes, but we finally reach the 1500 acre ranch.  I am introduced to Marcus who runs the ranch with his father.  Our timing was amazing.  The ranch has about 1,000 head of cattle but it also has about 80 wild horses.  A couple has arrived today to buy two horses.  We head over to the coral to observe the ranch hands herd in the horses.  The couple narrow their selection to three horses which are herded into a smaller corral.  They pick the two that they want for their boys.  The rest was hard to watch.  These horses have been wild so they have never been touched or had a rope around their neck.  I had mixed emotions as they roped the horses for the first time.  I know they would be trained and the boys would love their animals.  But at the same time, I wanted them to break free and be free!  Just like me.. free!  The worst part was watching them hogtie the horses.  This was necessary because they were boarding a boat to cross the strait to another island.  I told  the owner take good care of the horses.  He probably thought I was nuts but assured me they would be well cared for.  After the spectacle is over we head back.  I rest for the balance of the day and meet Marika and his daughter for dinner.  We had some great pizza overlooking the azure ocean. 

As we left the restaurant, I looked up at the sky.  The stars were amazingly bright and filled the sky. Then I peered out at the ocean and watched the cresent moon shimmer across the water.  It was a fine way to end the day. 

The wild horses

The dirt road we travelled on to the cattle/horse ranch

The Catholic Church outside of town

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