Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Arrival - Taveuni Fiji

Dec 24th, 2011

It’s hard to believe that I am embarking upon a three month journey.  Fiji, New Zealand then Australia.  I spent quality time with my family over Thanksgiving (16 of us), so there is no guilt about missing Christmas.  Strange for some of you I know, but we all should follow our heart which is what I am doing.

The flight to Fiji was almost 11 hours. We departed LAX late so I missed my connection from the main island, Nandi, to Taveuni.  It was a bummer because there are only two flights per day.  One at 6:45am and one at 3:15pm.  I obviously was jet lagged and couldn’t wait to crash.

When I arrive in Taveuni, I was picked up by Marika and his wife.  They are native Figians who were introduced to me by my pal, Harry from my coffee cluck @ Kean.  What a great couple and how blessed am I that Harry made the connection for me. You will learn more about this family later. I am scrabbling to get this blog out as Marika is picking me up at 8am to head to one of the islands.  I am totally in their hands which is very cool.  Have a great day and I will catch up with you later.
The pictures in below.  Garden Island Resort at dusk.  View of my rooom.  Taveuni Airport.  A few of the islands flyin in the peddle jumper from Nandi to Tavueni. These pics ar efrom my cell so no picture link today.

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