Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 30th - A Day of Relaxation

Today was a lazy day and there is not that much to report.  The plan is quite simple today.  No rushing around or sightseeing.  Just taking in the beauty that is bestowed in front of me.
My flight departs Taveuni for Nadi at 5:00pm.  So I have a full day to relax and, of course, squeeze in a Fijian massage. The price US was about $50.00 for a full hour and to top it off on the beach.

Marika was kind enough to take me to the airport. A relative of his passed away and the funeral services are on Saturday.  His wife and other children have already left to go to the village where the services will be held.  He really should have let me find other transportation but that would not have been his character.  I find out later that a Fijian funeral is a big deal and rich with traditional customs. I was told they would kill a cow and share it with the villagers.  On the Internet I read " traditional funerary customs include gift-giving, feasting, kava drinking, and observance of mourning restrictions. Favoring burial over cremation, they also erect elaborate and colorful cloth decorations over their graves."

Well, enough of that detail.  I arrive at the airport only to discover that my flight is delayed.  This is not unusual I learn from the manager of the Garden Island Resort.  He is there to pick up guests and has experienced this on multiple occasions. Without a car, I succumb to waiting it out and hoping the plane arrives. The upside is that I was able to chat it up with Mark and learn more about his family, living in Fiji, etc.  He's a great connection for Taveuni.

The plane finally arrives at 6:30 pm. Interestingly enough, I am not pissed off.  I  have nowhere to be and time on my hands.  It's Fijian time.  Island time. 

I have now arrived in Nadi and have checked into the Westin.  I regret ever leaving Taveuni. I didn't know what I had until I left it behind. Nadi is everything I read about on Trip Advisers.  A stopover for the outer islands.  If anyone just stays in Nadi, they have missed what the Fijian Islands are all about.  Not to say there are not nice places to go once you get out of the main town.  But the real experience is the outer islands.   Of course, if you prefer a lot of nightlife, lots of tourists and murky water then by all means stay in the Nadi area.  My sarcasm at its finest.  The Westin did upgrade me to an oceanfront room and the room is clean and pleasant.  So I am really not complaining...I just want to go back to Taveuni where its lets populated, peaceful, rugged and exquisitely beautiful.

Fantasy Island - Boss "The Plane The Plane"

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