Monday, May 2, 2011

Ketut Liyre, 3 Temples, Kopi Luwak & Mt Batur

It was a full day and I needed a good breakfast to start the day.  Did you ever guess what the #1 meant?  In the movie Eat Pray Love, the villagers would take numbers to see the medicine man.  Well I got #1, thanks to my driver.  I had to be there at 8am and did not want to keep him waiting. When we arrived, he was bathing so we waited patiently on his porch step.  He finally arrives and converse briefly with my driver in Balinese.  Who knows what they were saying.  He looks at me and just like the book says "happy to meet you".  The book depicts him perfectly, most teeth missing, a since of kindness and very funny. The photos say it all.  Enjoy.

The tour today was extensive.  Outside of visiting the medicine man, I hit three temples, a coffee plantation where Kopi Luwak coffee is produced (remember Jack's favorite coffee in the movie The Bucket List), Mt Batur Volcano and then the journey home on a country road.

I have made more detailed comments in the photos for your educational purposes.  To that end, you may want to adjust the time in which they move to the next photo.

Ladies appreciate the equipment we call a washer and dryer.   Laundry is done by hand in the river.

Enjoy the tour.  Tomorrow I hit the spa and relax before heading to Hong Kong.

Ketut Liyre - The Medicine from Eat Pray Love

Mt Batur Volcano

Click here for pictures

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anxiously awaiting your next blog.. GET THAT MONKEY OFF YOUR BACK!!! LU 2