Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Monkey Forest & First Impressions of Hong Kong

It is time to leave Bali and head for Hong Kong.  Since my departure isn't until 4pm, I go for a final run followed by breakfast.  En route to the airport I hit the Monkey Forest just outside Ubud.  Those monkeys are so darn cute.  The experience was great until one of the monkeys ended up taking a nip at me.  Her baby climbed up my arm and let's just say that was not a good thing.  Obviously this has happened to other visitors as there is a clinic on site to adminster any necessary medical attention.  I get my minor wounds cleaned but I am worried about rabies.  I'll get to that piece in a minute.

I catch my flight to Hong Kong without a hitch and arrive about 9pm.  The airport is very impressive and going through customs required little effort. The car service was there to pick me up.  Everyone friendly and welcoming.  The ride to the hotel is about 30 minutes.  What strikes me most is how clean and organized the city appears to be.  Will this be my experience as I explore the city?

The Upper House is my home for the next several days.  It is a cool boutique hotel.  The hotel aspires to be a paperless hotel.  They greet you at your car and take you straight to your check in desk in the lobby.  Everything done on the Ipad. The room has an Ipod for selecting music, checking weather or stocks.  In addtion, you can order in room dining straight from the ipod.  Pretty cool. 

Now that I am settled in, I have to deal with my monkey adventure.  I counsel with my family and decide for safety purposes I should get a rabies shot.  So my first venture in Hong Kong is to the local hospital which is just around the corner.  The doc agrees that the wounds are minor but I should get the rabies shots for safety precaution.  So here I am at midnight getting my first shot of a series of 5.  Lesson learned, never monkey around with the monkeys. Getting this out of the way, I head off to bed so that I can enjoy my day tommorrw.

Unfortunately the weather in Hong Kong right now is cloudy and immulates the June gloom we get in California.  Photography will be a challenge, but there is so much to see and do.  The first day is exploring Central which in essence is the CBD.  The city reminds me so much of New York.  All the shopping one would want and a great variety of restaurants. The first day started with a stop at Lord's Tailor (no explanation required) and ends with a ride on the Peak Tram to Victoria Peak.  It was a full day of walking and loosing myself through the various streets.  Key highlights were1) the series of escalators through the mid-level residential area 2)the eggtart @ Tai Cheung which were beloved by Chris Patten, the final British governor of Hong Kong, and of course 3) the ride on the Peak Tram.

The bastard nipped me

A view of Hong Kong
Click here for pictures

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