Sunday, May 8, 2011

Shopping in Central & a Visit to Stanley Village

The days are coming and going so fast. 

Canossa is the the first stop.  I am due for the 2nd rabies shot.  The balance of the series will be completed in the US.  What a pain in the ____!  I am so over the monkeys.

Today was a chance to do some window shopping.  But with window shopping does come the risk of buying a little something to take home.  My weakness is Betty helps me pick out a little something.  The store is Chow Tai Fook and is well respected in HK.  The Company was established in 1929 and has multiple stores.  Their most note worthy news of late was their purchase of a 507 carat South African diamond at a purchse price of $35.3M USD.  The IIA rough diamond named The Cullinan Heritage is supposedly one of the finest in the world.  WOW!  And no I didn't see it.

Now that the shopping is complete, it is time to get out and see some outlying areas of HK island.  I jump in my taxi and head over to another end of the island to visit Stanley Village and the Murray House.  It was a nice break from the city, but I did find it a bit touristy.  More shops hawking souvenirs that do not capture my interest.  The highlight was the Murray House and my icecream on the way home.

Murray House is a restored Victoria-era building (1844) that was named after Sir George Murray (1772-1846), a British soldier and politician.  The Victoria-era building served originally as barracks for the British military and was part of the Victoria Barracks up until the 1960s. Its original location was in Central.

In 1982 it was dismantled (to make way for the Bank of China Tower) and reassembled in it's present location in Stanley during the years 1998/1999.  Can you imagine.  It was not reassembled until 16 years later.  I don't think that would fly in the US. Today itis a museum and houses restaurants on the first floor, some of which have views across the bay.

Tired of walking about, I am ready to call it a day.  Time to shower up and head to dinner.  Dinner tonight is in my hotel.  I am fortunate to meet some kiwi's that insist I join them for dinner.  They were terrific.  Before I know it, it is midnight and I say my goodbyes.  We exchange numbers and they insist I reach out to them when I hit New Zealand. 

What a great ending to the day.  Travel is about meeting faboulous folks along the way.  These guys and gals were top notch.  

Shopping @ Chow Tai Fook

Stanley Village

Repulse Bay
Click here for pictures

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