Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uluwatu & the Family Arrives

The photos attached include an outing to the Uluwatu Temple.  The monkeys are everywhere and if you are not careful they will steal your flip flops, hat or sunglasses.  Yours truly had her ball cap stolen.  But of course, the locals are there to help by feeding the monkeys fruit in exchange for the item confiscated.  After my visit to the temple, I stopped in to see the family at The Gong.  I really enjoy speaking with them and learning about Bali.  Weni, Nyoman’s wife is teaching me some basic Balinese words.  Here are some basics I am practicing:
Thank you                           Terimakasi
Butterfly                              Kupu Kupu
Night                                     Malum
How Much                          Berapa
Please                                   Silahkan
Good                                     Bagus
Good Night                         Selamat Malum
Beautiful                              Cantik
How are you                      Apakabar
Baby                                      Baleta
Nyoman, (who owns The Gong) took me to the airport to pick up my family.  He is essentially the mayor of Uluwatu. He shared with me that a going days wage for 8 hours of work was $0.80. Yes a full day’s work.  Today it averages $17.00USD.  They are expected to be there at 8am.  A lunch break from 12-1 and then work to 5pm.  He told me they work 7 days a week.  If they need time off to go somewhere or to go to the event, accommodations are made.  Wow.
My mom and sisters arrived in Bali on Tuesday.  They are in good spirits but definitely exhausted and jet lagged.  Although they arrive at 3:15 pm, we are not to our accommodations until almost 5pm.  It was the combination of getting visas, going through customs and the drive to Uluwatu. Tonight will be a short night.  Wednesday was very simply.   A down day at the beach.  It was the perfect call for everyone to decompress and acclimate to Bali.  All is good……………..

The Monkeys @ Uluwatu

Enjoying the beach at Balangan

Balangan Beach

Click for Pictures

1 comment:

Deana Marquis said...

OMG I never want the pictures to end! Loved the monkeys and would have loved to see them steal your hat. I'm hopping on a plane right now to come have the kabobs and french fries, I hope it was as good as it looked. Hugs and kisses to mom and sissys, glad they made it safe and sound!