Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uluwata Day 5 - Blue Point Villas and Spa

Padang Padang & Blue Point Villa
I was such a bonehead.  No pics from Sunday’s trip to Padang Padang.  The reason, I left the chip in computer from downloading the earlier pics.  Not to worry, however, I will be back here with my family.  Padang Padang is another big surf spot with a fairly difficult wave. It is a bit of a tourist spot but a must to see.  For those of you that have read the book Eat Pray Love, a portion was filmed at this location.  You can walk over to a cave and enter where a flock of birds are flying around.  Again a cool spot.  Before I knew it the day was gone.  The sunset came and went in a flash.  I hear dinner calling at YeYe’s.  Great food.  Sweet corn fritters, chicken satay and a Bintang.  Total bill $6.50USD including tip
Went to the local grocery Pepito’s to stock up on water, beer, soda's and snacks.  The store was clean and well stocked with westerner’s products.  The bakery was outstanding.  Tried to take a pic, but they said no.  Oh well.  Next stop, liquor store.  that was a quick stop.  A 750l bottle of Absolute vodka a whopping $65USD.  Looks like we will be drinking beer.  Finished the day at Blue point Villas and spa.  Where did the darn day go?  I could get real accustom to this slow relaxing pace.  Not bored yet and on my 5th night.  Hmmm should I extend for another week……?
Blue Point Villas and Spa

  Click Here for Pictures

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're living out a dream that for many will always only be a dream. You are actually doing it!! Wow! Nancy told me all about your plans and how she Mom and Sis will be joining you soon. Have an absolute blast,hugs to all. So proud (and jealous) of you! Savor each sunrise and sunset, every cool breeze, every ray of sun, every flicker of moon light, every lazy afternoon, every intriguing or entertaining stranger, every first, everything!! I'll be watching and wishin! P. Kinden.