Friday, April 29, 2011

Four Seasons Sayan

Four Seasons Sayan is a special spot.  It literally is in the tropical jungle with a river running through the property.  It is located approximately 15 minutes west of the artist town of Ubud.  The weather is cooler here and is a welcome reprieve from the heat and humidity in Uluwatu.  This will be a perfect place to rest up before heading to Hong Kong. 
When I arrived I was checked into Villa 103.  The room was acceptable and met all my expectations.   The only bummer was they were refinishing the floors in the adjacent room and the lacquer was permeating into my room.  I thought I could muscle it out, but the smell was too strong.  In Four Seasons style, I was relocated.  Not only relocated but upgraded to a beautiful one bedroom suite.   Attached are pictures of the grounds and both rooms.   I feel so spoiled here.   
Unfortunately, I have not been able to venture out as I have been under the weather.  I thought I was getting better, but it reared its ugly head again. The Four Seasons has a clinic on site and a doctor that makes house calls from 10-12 each day.   I had a visit from the doc to assess my situation.  We are trying to determine whether I have a severe case of Montezuma’s revenge (going on 5 days) or an intestinal infection.   No telling why this happened to me as my family has had zero issues.   If I am going to be down for the count, this is a pretty good resting place.   The total doctor bill for the house call was $85USD and $10USD for some medicine.  What would a house call cost us in the US??
There is so much to see here and I am disappointed that I have not been able to go on any excursions.  Subject to me feeling better, I am considering adjusting my schedule.   We will see what the day brings.
Resting near the river
Click here for pictures


Deana Marquis said...

I can't believe you're ill! Obviously not enough cosmos in your system to kill it! The FS looks wonderful and a huge room. I see you're getting very experienced with the Picasa photo system and placing comments directly on the photos, good job! I hope you get better and get out to see the sights. xoxoxo

Michele Babcock said...

You have no idea had bad it was. I have anibiotics now and feel like a new woman. Adjusting schedule to come home later so I can stay here a few more nghts. Want to hit the monkey forest and volcano area.