Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 5th - En Route to Bay of Islands and Sunshine!

I know you all have been waiting patiently for updates on my travels.  I have no idea where the time goes, but it sure does fly, doesn’t it?  I leave Auckland this morning in the rain, of course, and I am hoping to find some sunshine in the Bay of Islands.  The drive will be about 3.5 hours perhaps longer if the weather does not cooperate.  It is very scenic and I wish I could take photos along the way.  However, I must focus on the road. Speaking of wish, I was a tad bit nervous picking up my car.  Fortunately I get an automatic which allows me to focus solely on driving on the appropriate side of the road without having to negotiate shifting gears.

I am close to arriving at the Bay of Islands.  I hit rain most of the way but blue sky's are just ahead.
The Bay of Islands consists of approximately 144 islands. It is located in the Northland Region of the North Island.  This area is one of the most popular fishing, sailing and tourist destinations in the country.  It has been renowned internationally for its big-game fishing as you will see from the attached photos. 

The bay consists of several historic towns including Pahia, Russell, and KeriKeri.  For you history buffs Captain Cook was the first European to visit the area and give the region its name in 1769.  Another tidbit I read on the Internet was a 2006 study found the Bay of islands to have the second bluest sky in the world after Rio de Janeiro....really.

I chose Pahia as my resting place. It has a broader selection of accommodations available to meet all budget levels.  In addition, take your pick of restaurants and peruse the retail stores and souvenir shops vying for your dollar.  The thing that struck me most was the endless amount of tour operators offering a boat load of activities.  Whether it be swimming with the dolphins or trying your luck at catching a marlin.  There is something for everyone.

Katia checks me in, although my room is not quite ready. She gives me several recommendations on how to spend my time in Pahia and Russell.  She informs me the weather will be good today and tomorrow but after that, more rain.  Bottom line; get your outdoor activities in while the sun kisses the island.  That said, I change up into a swim suit (yes an itsy bitsy bikini….well maybe not so much) throw on some shorts and off a go.  The afternoon is spent enjoying Russell and Pahia.
A view of Pahia

Russell - a good romantic get away

Not a good day for Mr. Marlin
Click here for pictures

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