Friday, April 29, 2011

Four Seasons Sayan

Four Seasons Sayan is a special spot.  It literally is in the tropical jungle with a river running through the property.  It is located approximately 15 minutes west of the artist town of Ubud.  The weather is cooler here and is a welcome reprieve from the heat and humidity in Uluwatu.  This will be a perfect place to rest up before heading to Hong Kong. 
When I arrived I was checked into Villa 103.  The room was acceptable and met all my expectations.   The only bummer was they were refinishing the floors in the adjacent room and the lacquer was permeating into my room.  I thought I could muscle it out, but the smell was too strong.  In Four Seasons style, I was relocated.  Not only relocated but upgraded to a beautiful one bedroom suite.   Attached are pictures of the grounds and both rooms.   I feel so spoiled here.   
Unfortunately, I have not been able to venture out as I have been under the weather.  I thought I was getting better, but it reared its ugly head again. The Four Seasons has a clinic on site and a doctor that makes house calls from 10-12 each day.   I had a visit from the doc to assess my situation.  We are trying to determine whether I have a severe case of Montezuma’s revenge (going on 5 days) or an intestinal infection.   No telling why this happened to me as my family has had zero issues.   If I am going to be down for the count, this is a pretty good resting place.   The total doctor bill for the house call was $85USD and $10USD for some medicine.  What would a house call cost us in the US??
There is so much to see here and I am disappointed that I have not been able to go on any excursions.  Subject to me feeling better, I am considering adjusting my schedule.   We will see what the day brings.
Resting near the river
Click here for pictures

My Family's Final Days

We have gotten into the island mode and are moving slow.  That mode is so unusual for a family of women that always have to be doing something.    But it is a good thing.   Another massage is scheduled in the early afternoon.   The gals thought the services were better plus they were substantially less.   For $22USD my mom and Chris had a 30minute head shoulder massage and a 30 minute foot massage.   My sister, Nancy had  The Leggong…two therapist for a 60 minute massage.  Cost $40USD. 
Since we were unable to make my sisters 50th birthday party in Austin, we recongnized it on the last evening of their stay.  The hotel  prepared  us dinner at our villa. The menu consisted of spring rolls, satay chicken, chicken curry and vegetable fried rice.  The food was great and well presented.  Desert, of course was a birthday cake and ice cream.   It was a great evening.  Tomorrow they head back to the US. 

Test driving the modeds
Our last eveing together

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time to Relax - Kecak and Fire Dance

We have been doing a lot of running around and the family is ready for relaxation.  We have a casual morning then head to Blue Point for the rest of the day.  This, of course, includes a Balinese massage.  For a full hour massage, they pay approximately $38USD.  We stay for the sunset and embrace the beauty of our surroundings.

Monday is all about bargain shopping.  Their vacation is coming to a close and they can’t go home empty handed.   Mom buys a fabulous small piece of artwork at the open market.  She pays all of $5USD.  I couldn’t believe it.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture to share.  But it was definitely under priced and painted by a very talented artist.  Chris and Nancy make their purchases and come back happy campers.  The market they went to is all about negotiation.  They set a price and you decide what you want to pay.  If you can walk away, more than likely you will get the item at your price.   That evening we head  over to the Uluwatu Temple to watch the Kecak and Fire dance.  Kecak is the most unique Balinese dance which is not accompanied by any orchestra but by a choir of seventy men .  This old ritual dance is called Sanghyang or Trance dance.  These seventy men chanted for a solid hour.  It was fascinating. 


Mom, reading poolside
Chris & Nancy taking in the pool and view

Offering before the Fire Dance

Monday, April 25, 2011

Four Seasons Balines Cooking School

Today was an early start.  We were all struggling to get out of bed, but we did not want to miss the market tour which was part of our Balinese cooking class at Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay.  The volume of fish that is caught from the bay is hard to capture on film.  They do not use any commercial fishing boats/ships.  In fact, the boats you see in the photos are the extent of their equipment.  After the fish market, we ventured over to the produce market.  Our Chef, Rudi, educated us on the different produce, spices and seasonings.  It was very interesting.
After the tour we spent most of the day at our cooking class.  We made great food and enjoyed each other’s company.  The pictures tell the rest of the story.  It was a long day and we came home beat.  Tomorrow is a day of rest.
Click here for pictures

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Seminyak & Ubud Excursions

We have been so busy.   The days are full and just seem to fly by.  Thursday we went to Seminyak for the afternoon.  It is north of Densapar and known for the higher end shopping.  It is very busy and much different.  There is a lot of tourism, hotels, shops, spas and restaurants.  The one thing I can’t describe sufficiently is the traffic congestion.  A two lane road becomes three with a jockeying of position between vehicles, tourist buses and mopeds.  If you lack patience, you would absolutely go insane.  Hopefully some of our pictures capture this madness.  I am glad we have a hired car.  But more importantly, I am really beginning to appreciate our quiet surroundings in Uluwatu and hope the development craze does not change it. 
Friday morning we made the truck to Ubud which is north east of where we are staying (approximately  1 ½ hours).   We made four stops before ending up in Ubud.  1) Kris dance to watch the traditional Barong dance, 2) the batik center which educated us on the process of making batik. And yes we may have purchased some pieces   3) a silver production company and 4) the rice terraces 10 minutes north of Ubud.  I think our favorite was the batik.  We all loved the batik and the labor involved in creating each individual piece.  Prior to our final stop in Ubud, we stopped for lunch.  Suckling pig was the call.  My sister Nancy gets s the gold star for her adventuress nature and willingness to try everything, including the blood sausage.  Not my cup of tea. 
 I can’t begin to tell you the volume  of shops that exist here.  Talk about over retailed. Honestly, I don’t know how they survive.  It is an endless row of shops from one village to the next.  On the way home, we noticed they seemed to be organized by product type.  Statues/water features, Silver & Gold, Woodwork, Glass,  etc.   This area can’t be explored thoroughly without spending several days.  There is so much to see and do and we did not even touch the surface.  The goal was to give the family a feel of the area.  Mission accomplished.  The final comment once again is the traffic.  Our driver today was Nyoman.  He is great and you will see a photo of him in the pics.  As mentioned earlier, he would be considered in our country the mayor of Uluwatu.  Today instead of Mr. Toads Wild Ride, we called it Nyoman’s Wild Ride and we mean it with great respect to the Mayor.  He knows the ropes!     In Balinese there are four names and they are given to you based on where you stand in the pack.  If there are five kids you go back to the first name.  Here's how it goes  1st Wayan. 2nd Made.   3rd. Nyoman and 4th. Ketut.  Stay tuned......tomorrow is a Balinese cooking class at the Four Seasons Hotel in Jimbaran Bay.

Mom- Queen Bee


Christy, aka Ketut
Michele aka Nyoman
Nancy aka Wayman

   Click here for pictures   

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uluwatu & the Family Arrives

The photos attached include an outing to the Uluwatu Temple.  The monkeys are everywhere and if you are not careful they will steal your flip flops, hat or sunglasses.  Yours truly had her ball cap stolen.  But of course, the locals are there to help by feeding the monkeys fruit in exchange for the item confiscated.  After my visit to the temple, I stopped in to see the family at The Gong.  I really enjoy speaking with them and learning about Bali.  Weni, Nyoman’s wife is teaching me some basic Balinese words.  Here are some basics I am practicing:
Thank you                           Terimakasi
Butterfly                              Kupu Kupu
Night                                     Malum
How Much                          Berapa
Please                                   Silahkan
Good                                     Bagus
Good Night                         Selamat Malum
Beautiful                              Cantik
How are you                      Apakabar
Baby                                      Baleta
Nyoman, (who owns The Gong) took me to the airport to pick up my family.  He is essentially the mayor of Uluwatu. He shared with me that a going days wage for 8 hours of work was $0.80. Yes a full day’s work.  Today it averages $17.00USD.  They are expected to be there at 8am.  A lunch break from 12-1 and then work to 5pm.  He told me they work 7 days a week.  If they need time off to go somewhere or to go to the event, accommodations are made.  Wow.
My mom and sisters arrived in Bali on Tuesday.  They are in good spirits but definitely exhausted and jet lagged.  Although they arrive at 3:15 pm, we are not to our accommodations until almost 5pm.  It was the combination of getting visas, going through customs and the drive to Uluwatu. Tonight will be a short night.  Wednesday was very simply.   A down day at the beach.  It was the perfect call for everyone to decompress and acclimate to Bali.  All is good……………..

The Monkeys @ Uluwatu

Enjoying the beach at Balangan

Balangan Beach

Click for Pictures

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uluwata Day 5 - Blue Point Villas and Spa

Padang Padang & Blue Point Villa
I was such a bonehead.  No pics from Sunday’s trip to Padang Padang.  The reason, I left the chip in computer from downloading the earlier pics.  Not to worry, however, I will be back here with my family.  Padang Padang is another big surf spot with a fairly difficult wave. It is a bit of a tourist spot but a must to see.  For those of you that have read the book Eat Pray Love, a portion was filmed at this location.  You can walk over to a cave and enter where a flock of birds are flying around.  Again a cool spot.  Before I knew it the day was gone.  The sunset came and went in a flash.  I hear dinner calling at YeYe’s.  Great food.  Sweet corn fritters, chicken satay and a Bintang.  Total bill $6.50USD including tip
Went to the local grocery Pepito’s to stock up on water, beer, soda's and snacks.  The store was clean and well stocked with westerner’s products.  The bakery was outstanding.  Tried to take a pic, but they said no.  Oh well.  Next stop, liquor store.  that was a quick stop.  A 750l bottle of Absolute vodka a whopping $65USD.  Looks like we will be drinking beer.  Finished the day at Blue point Villas and spa.  Where did the darn day go?  I could get real accustom to this slow relaxing pace.  Not bored yet and on my 5th night.  Hmmm should I extend for another week……?
Blue Point Villas and Spa

  Click Here for Pictures

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Home at Last - Accomodations Found

I feel so lucky to have found this villa for me and my family.  Three bedroom/three bath with our own private pool and veranda.  Breakfast is included too.  They only charge by use of the room.  Meaning I am only paying for my room now and will not have to pay for the other two rooms until my family arrives.  Can you believe that?  Where can you rent a villa based on room usage?  This was found simply on my walk to the beach.  Great find for any of you that want to put Bali on your bucket list. The Lisa’s would approve.  Once again the owners are gracious and accommodating.  They can’t do enough for you.  I am off to join some folks I met yesterday.  Ironically they are from California too.  We are relaxing poolside and beach side today. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 2- Uluwatu Area

Bali is a lot bigger and more populated then I ever anticipated especially in Kuta and Desanpar.  I read about it but you can’t grasp it unless you’re here.  I mean it is bumper to bumper and mopeds galore.  My main objective for the day was to find alternative accommodations prior to my mom and sisters arrival.  Kadek, the property caregiver, offered to take me around on her moped.  It was quite an experience.  I am glad she was driving.  Too bad I didn’t bring the cam recorder!
We went too Sansur, Nusa Dua and Jimbaran Bay.  Sansur is quieter with a lot of expats.  Nusa Dua is where the major hotels are located.   Jimbaran is where the Four Seasons is located.  Very nice as you might imagine.  In my perfect world I would like to find a 3 bedroom villa for rent in my current location with the right amenties   Guess what I found it!
You may be asking why I ended up at my current location.  This was put for auction at Casa of Orange County.  I was the successful bidder. Time has taken its toll on the property and the photos of the property at auction do not represent its current state.  I have a love/hate with the property.  Love the location on the peninsula and the family that cares for the property.  The family wants to do everything they can to make your stay enjoyable.  It is less populated here, relaxed and so un-americanized.  Beach is a 10 minute walk away and if you surf, it is a surfer’s paradise.  The hate is principally the accommodations and no amenities.  You will see what I mean with the attached pics. They will prepare food for you as the closest alternative is 3kilometers.  Too far to walk as a swf in the evening.  I had sir fried beef last night.  Toughest meat ever.  I think Truman would have struggled…again all about the experience.   Respecting other environments and appreciating ours back home. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Off for the Day

Attached are the pictures I promised.  I was so tired last night, but feel refreshed this morning.  We had early morning thunder showers but the sun is out and it looks for a beautiful day.  I mentioned earlier that this was a trip with no expectations and to let the days unfold.  I am at a location that is popular among surfers.  Casual, quiet, and limited amenities. The room is clean but marginal.  I will probably tough it out through Sunday and then move to another location with better amenities.  Notwithstanding  the accommodations, the family that cares for the grounds are very gracious and friendly.  My dinner last night was stir fried vegetables with chicken, however, the chicken was sparse.  I think I will lose a few lbs here.   I am off to start my day and will catch up with you again soon.  Did I mention this is an adventure…..kind of like Robinson and Caruso…

Finally Here,,,,,,,

It has taken almost a full day to get here.  The 15 hour flight to Hong Kong is behind me and I am on the final leg to Bali.   Although the flight to Hong Kong may sound grueling, it was quite the opposite.  When you leave on a red-eye at 2am, all you want is a blanket , pillow and a little help from ambien.  You wake up  6 hours later refreshed and spend the rest of the flight watching movies, reading and decompressing.   If you ever opt to visit China or Indonesia, I highly recommend Cathay Pacific.  Customer service and plane quality is exceptional compared to the airlines at home.  I used miles to fly business class and it was well worth it.  The business class cabin from Hong Kong to Bai which is about 4 ½ hours was exceptional.  The individual cabins are private and spacious. There is no one sitting next to you.  You can’t even see them unless you lean way over or stand up in your assigned seat.  Hence a seat neighbor can’t nod off and druel next to you.   My bad.  I have a few pics  (that I will post later) so you can convert your individual visualizations to reality.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Morning- Let's Pack that bag!

 It is early Tuesday morning ...4am to be exact.  I can't sleep as I am so excited.  The clothes are laid out and reaady to find themselves in the suitcase.  Hopefully they all fit or I will be paring down at pack time. Did I bring the right amount of swim suits.  Do I have the right shoes.  Don't forget the sunscreen and a hat.  What about all the gadgets, laptop, ipod, camera, cam recorder, all the cables, power converters and batteries to keep the equipment running, That favorite shirt is in the wash because I must have it on the trip.  Tell me this sounds so familiar to you.  Here's a look at what's haappening at the Bungalow before departure.



Monday, April 11, 2011


It has been amazing speaking to so many of you about my upcoming adventures.  It was quite clear that most of us want to get off the treadmill, but individual circumstances do not allow us to turn off the switch.  We have kids to get through school, commitments at work and  family/financial obligations.  I am grateful that my particular situation is allowing me the opportunity to turn off the switch and catch my breath.  My purpose in life has always been work and climbing up the corporate ladder.  I am glad to be taming that  fire in my belly so that I can focus on my passion for travel and adventure.  These adventures have no expectations or preconceived ideas.  It is an open book to explore, sense and embrace the varying cultures of our planet. 

As many of you know, my mom and two sisters will be joining me for a week in Bali.  We will be staying on the tip of the Bukit Peninsula in a small village named Uluwatu.  The bukit is a local/surfer area and is more representative of true Bali versus the tourist area of Kuta and Legion.

Attached is a sneak peak of Bali.  This is a photo of Pura Luhur Uluwatu.  This Uluwatu temple is famous not only for its unique position, but also is one of the oldest temples in Bali. The temple is located high on a cliff top at the edge of a plateau 70 metres  above the waves of the Indian Ocean.

I look forward to you travelling with me through my blog. Enjoy the upcoming posts and pictures. If I can figure it out, you may even get a short video...'til next time